
Conquering Self-Doubt & Recognizing Your Value with Dr. Jessica Houston

December 8, 2022

Do you get a big opportunity and then the self-doubt starts to creep in? Do you accomplish something big, but then you are afraid to share it for fear of being “braggy” or conceited? Our guest today, Dr. Jessica Houston shares ways to conquer this self-doubt that can tend to plague us and recognize our inherent value. 

In today’s episode, we discuss…

  • Self-doubt and why this tends to creep in for ambitious women
  • Conquering self-doubt with action
  • Why women tend to focus on the skills or qualifications they don’t have instead of what they do have
  • The tendency to overthink
  • Owning your accomplishments and being able to brag on yourself without feeling conceited
  • Attracting more opportunities when you own your abilities confidently
  • Finding your truth and owning it
  • Using over-preparedness to combat self-doubt
  • Self-awareness and how that impacts self-doubt
  • Proving to yourself that you can do scary things
  • Learning to focus on wins instead of only failures
  • Habits to help you feel better and more confident
  • Challenging yourself in new ways (even if they are small)

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Show Notes: Conquering Self-Doubt

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #98 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! 

I cannot believe that Episode 100 is just around the corner am and excited to share that it is going to be a special rapid-fire ask me anything episode. So, if you want a question answered live on the podcast, send me an email, pop your question into a DM, or text me at 623-257-MOMS (that’s 623-257-6667). I cannot wait to answer all your burning questions. 

Do you get a big opportunity and then the self-doubt starts to creep in? Do you accomplish something big, but then you are afraid to share it for fear of being “braggy” or conceited?

Our guest today, Dr. Jessica Houston shares ways to conquer this self-doubt that can tend to plague us and recognize our inherent value. 

Dr. Houston, named one of the top 50 speakers globally, by “Real Leaders” travels nationally and internationally inspiring thousands of college students, corporate executives, and conference attendees every year. She is the founder of Elite Speakers Institute, a comprehensive training program for coaches and speakers. 

Dr. Houston has surmounted experiences with poverty, depression, low self-confidence, and intimate partner violence, which fuels her passion for helping others overcome obstacles and lead abundant lives. Her messaging is influenced by her expertise in personal growth, leadership development, and workplace wellness, which expands more than a decade.

Join me in welcoming Dr. Jessica Houston to the show!

Conquering Self-Doubt & Recognizing Your Value with Dr. Jessica Houston

Today we discuss…

  • Self-doubt and why this tends to creep in for ambitious women
  • Conquering self-doubt with action
  • Why women tend to focus on the skills or qualifications they don’t have instead of what they do have
  • The tendency to overthink
  • Owning your accomplishments and being able to brag on yourself without feeling conceited
  • Attracting more opportunities when you own your abilities confidently
  • Finding your truth and owning it
  • Using over-preparedness to combat self-doubt
  • Self-awareness and how that impacts self-doubt
  • Proving to yourself that you can do scary things
  • Learning to focus on wins instead of only failures
  • Habits to help you feel better and more confident
  • Challenging yourself in new ways (even if they are small)

Are you interested in finding out more about Jessica Houston?

Dr. Jessica Houston on YouTube

Jessica on Instagram

More from Jessica