
Enemies of Productivity [Part 1]

April 8, 2022

One of the biggest questions I get asked by busy moms is how to be more productive. They want to do more in less time. They want to feel like they are actually in control of their time instead of their time controlling them.

In this extra special 4-part podcast series called The Enemies of Productivity, we are going to dig into the enemies that are actually getting in your way and how to conquer them! If you are not subscribed or following, make sure to do that on your favorite podcast platform so you don’t miss a single episode.

Kicking off our series is Part 1: Terrible Time Wasters.

You know those things that get in your way and seem to suck ALL of your time? In the book Secrets of Supermom, I call these “terrible time wasters”. In this episode, we are going to talk about these terrible time wasters from the book, and I want you to think about which of these tends to get in your way. It is different for all of us. Once you know what really gets in your way, you can start to put your battle plan in place.

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How to Be More Productive | The Enemies of Productivity

Show Notes

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to episode #60 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! I am super excited to be coming at you solo for the next few episodes as part of a special series called “The Enemies of Productivity”. 

As busy moms with kids to parent and careers to grow and businesses to build and houses to maintain and relationships to nurture and all the other things that fill our lives, we want to be able to do more in less time. 

See if any of these statements from our survey sound familiar to you…

“I wish I had more time to get things done.”

“How does she have so much time?”

“I feel like I am on a hamster wheel where I have been running all day. I get to the end of my day and am in the same place I started. The house is a disaster, I am no closer to reaching my deadline, and I have to just give up.”

“I don’t know how other moms seem to have so much time because I just don’t.”

“I’m just so busy.”

“I have so much to do.”

“I don’t know how they do it.”

Recently, we have talked a lot about productivity in The Supermom Society, my monthly membership for busy moms who want to get more done in less time and be more confident moms all at the same time. We have also talked a lot about productivity as the first three months of the year have sailed by and gotten away from some of us! 

You want to get more done. You want to be more efficient. You want to feel like your to-do list doesn’t just keep growing and growing. I get it. 

So, in this special series, we are going to talk about some enemies of productivity. What is actually getting in the way of us doing more, being more productive, checking things off the list without adding ten things at the same time? And how do we conquer these enemies once and for all?

You know those things that get in your way and seem to suck ALL of your time? In the book Secrets of Supermom, I call these “terrible time wasters”. So today, we are going to talk about these terrible time wasters from the book, and I want you to think about which of these tends to get in your way. It is different for all of us. Once you know what really gets in your way, you can start to put your battle plan in place. 

The Terrible Time Wasters

  1. Task-Jumping
  2. Procrastination
  3. Saying Yes to Everything
  4. Lack of Routine
  5. Twitter
  6. Starting Without Finishing
  7. Television
  8. Being Disorganized
  9. Perfection
  10. Snacking
  11. Unnecessary Meetings
  12. Not Having a Plan
  13. Lack of Priorities
  14. Facebook
  15. Writing Checks
  16. A Too-Long To-Do List
  17. Inefficiency
  18. Coffee Breaks
  19. Never-Ending Research
  20. Constant Email Checking
  21. Traffic
  22. Netflix
  23. Lack of Habits
  24. Interruptions
  25. Complaining
  26. Multitasking
  27. Alcohol
  28. Instant Messenger Apps
  29. Happy Hour
  30. LinkedIn
  31. Clutter
  32. Waiting in Line
  33. Instagram
  34. Unnecessary Tasks

And there you have it! Thirty-four terrible time wasters that might be getting in your way and preventing your productivity. Tomorrow, we will be back to dive deeper into the problematic P’s. Not sure what they are? Come back tomorrow to find out!

How to Be More Productive Every Day: Special Masterclass

And if you want to really get more done in your day and feel your most productive, I invite you to join us for a special masterclass just for the busiest moms. While others might simply learn to recognize the enemies of their productivity, you want to learn how to destroy them once and for all. You want to conquer those enemies and thrive every single day.

How to Be More Productive | The Enemies of Productivity

Join us for my newest masterclass called “How to Be Productive Every Day” at secretsofsupermom.com/lesstime. In this masterclass, you’ll learn the number one mistake keeping you from getting more done and reaching your big goals, how to identify your personal enemies of productivity and actually destroy them, and ten productivity hacks you can use today to find an hour in your day to use as you please. I think we can all feel good about that!

This masterclass is full of real examples from real moms and easy step-by-step processes you can try right away. Head to secretsofsupermom.com/lesstime to sign up and get ready to conquer those enemies once and for all!