
Talking to Your Kids About Sex with Mandi Nuttall

February 10, 2022

Does talking to your kids about sex and their body make you want to throw up a little bit? You are not alone, friend! Our guest today is here to make it manageable–and dare I say even easy–to have these conversations with your children. And, yes, I said conversations. This is not a topic to discuss once, but instead an ongoing build of a conversation. You are going to listen to our guest today and think, “Well, obviously I should teach it like this!”

Mandi Nuttall is the author of the Birthday Suit Books Collection. As a former high school health teacher and D1 collegiate volleyball player, she has now adopted the self-proclaimed titles of taxi driver, nutritionist, doctor, therapist, personal trainer, cancer fighter, interior designer, janitor, photographer and chef, all since marrying her soulmate and becoming a mother of 5 children including twins. Life certainly isn’t boring for Mandi!  

Mandi believes in the limitless potential within families to do good and raise knowledgeable children. She witnessed the lack of knowledge in her high school students when teaching about the body and self in her health class, and knows how hard it is for parents to feel confident in teaching this subject.  She wrote this book to make the process simple, and empower parents to then encourage their children to respect and love their body.

We have one shot to teach our kids to honor their bodies, and we can’t leave that up to the world—it’s our job and responsibility.

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Show Notes

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #51 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! 

Today, friends, today is a topic I know you are stressing about. As an ambitious mom, you want to raise strong and confident children. You want children who respect and love their bodies. But the thought of talking about babies, reproduction, puberty, and the terrifying word sex makes you want to throw up in your mouth a little bit. I can feel your anxiety rise just by me saying the word. Supermom, you are not alone.

[Speaking of the word, today’s episode may be a little less tiny-but-nosy-ears-friendly than our usual episodes. If you decide to listen instead of read, might want to throw on the earbuds for this one.]

So, today, I have invited the amazing Mandi Nuttall to join me and tell us all about talking to your kids about sex and their body. She is here to make it manageable–and dare I say even easy–to have these conversations with your children. And, yes, I said conversations. This is not a topic to discuss once, but instead an ongoing build of a conversation throughout their journey through childhood and into adulthood. You are going to listen to this interview and think, “Well, obviously I should teach it like this!”

Mandi Nuttall is the author of the Birthday Suit Books Collection. As a former high school health teacher and D1 collegiate volleyball player, she has now adopted the self-proclaimed titles of taxi driver, nutritionist, doctor, therapist, personal trainer, cancer fighter, interior designer, janitor, photographer and chef, all since marrying her soulmate and becoming a mother of 5 children including twins. 

Mandi believes in the limitless potential within families to do good and raise knowledgeable children. She witnessed the lack of knowledge in her high school students when teaching about the body and self in her health class, and knows how hard it is for parents to feel confident in teaching this subject.  She wrote this book to make the process simple, and empower parents to then encourage their children to respect and love their body.

We have one shot to teach our kids to honor their bodies, and we can’t leave that up to the world—it’s our job and our responsibility.

What a pleasure to introduce you to Mandi Nuttall.

Talking to Your Kids About Sex and Their Body with Mandi Nuttall

Talking to Your Kids About Sex and Their Body 

Today we discuss…

  • The reality of sex today and the lack of knowledge in the preteen and teen world
  • Why so many parents are SO uncomfortable with the topic of sex (and that it is 100% common and normal to feel like you want to throw up a little bit)
  • The Birthday Suit Books and how they make it easy to have these conversations with your child
  • The impact of family values and how they tie into the book concepts
  • How discussions about the body, and openly talking to your kids about sex, can actually improve communication and connection within your relationship to your child
  • Preventing shame and discomfort in your child
  • Teaching about the core purpose of sex–the creation of life–before talking about topics like intimacy, penetration, love, and more nuanced details of sex
  • Why building on knowledge based on your child’s age is critical
  • The idea of using your child’s birthday as a milestone so the conversation continues through their childhood
  • What to do if you have an older child and realize that you never really covered the basics
  • Talking to your kids about sex through the ages from age two all the way to adulthood
  • The importance of using anatomical names for body parts instead of hee-hee, who-ha, willie, or whatever else you have made up in your family

Interested in finding out more about Mandi Nuttall and learning how you can talk to your kids about sex confidently? You can find her…

The Birthday Suit Books Website [You want these books, and you can get access to the membership, too!]

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