
Eating Like a Grown-Up and Lifting Heavy $hit with Kathy Fronheiser

August 10, 2023

Are you exhausted? Our guest Kathy Fronheiser joins us to share why eating like a grown-up and lifting heavy $hit can help you feel less tired, more like a bada$$, and impact your entire life for the better.

In this episode we discuss…

  • How Kathy got into health coaching over 20 years ago and never left
  • Why health coaching is often actually time management coaching
  • How she guides women in the right direction when it comes to their health
  • Figuring out your overarching goals and then breaking them down into the tiniest steps
  • The common reaction of shame when trying to make a health change
  • Why we tend to keep our health goals a secret
  • Eating like a grown-up instead of from the kid’s menu
  • Asking yourself if you are getting enough food
  • Why extra muscle is for more than just “looking toned”
  • How lifting heavy $hit can build confidence
  • Protecting your health and strength as you age to stay independent
  • Why you don’t need a gym for a fitness habit
  • How eating and moving well actually makes everything else easier
  • What you should do to feel like a bada$$

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Show Notes: Lifting Heavy $hit and Feeling Like a Bada$$

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #138  of The Secrets of Supermom Show! 

What would it feel like if you woke up every day and you already knew your plan for the day? Your plan for work, your plan for your family, and your plan for fun! What if you woke up with anticipation of your day instead of dread?

The Supermom Society is our monthly membership for busy moms who want to plan better, connect with their families and feel really good about the life they lead. You have big goals and so do we. Inside the society, we get to reach them together!

I can’t wait to show you what it’s like to have more time, less stress, and a community to cheer you on and hold you up. Head to www.thesupermomsociety.com for all the details! 

My friend Kathy is our guest today, and she is seriously so fun! I met her during a mastermind so we have spent lots of digital time together and even some great face-to-face time as part of an awesome retreat we both attended. 

Kathy helps high-achieving women over 40 prioritize simple daily habits to increase energy, ditch the scale and make more money! She has found that most women don’t want to track all of their calories or macros! They simply want to be more present in their daily lives and more confident in their businesses.

I hope our conversation gives you the boost you need to eat and move…well better!

Super excited to introduce you to Kathy!

Eating Like a Grown-Up and Lifting Heavy $hit with Kathy Fronheiser

Today we discuss…

  • How Kathy got into health coaching over 20 years ago and never left
  • Why health coaching is often actually time management coaching
  • How she guides women in the right direction when it comes to their health
  • Figuring out your overarching goals and then breaking them down into the tiniest steps
  • The common reaction of shame when trying to make a health change
  • Why we tend to keep our health goals a secret
  • Eating like a grown-up instead of from the kid’s menu
  • Asking yourself if you are getting enough food
  • Why extra muscle is for more than just “looking toned”
  • How lifting heavy $hit can build confidence
  • Protecting your health and strength as you age to stay independent
  • Why you don’t need a gym for a fitness habit
  • How eating and moving well actually makes everything else easier

Are you interested in finding out more about Kathy Fronheiser?


Kathy on Instagram

About Our Guest: Kathy Fronheiser

Kathy Fronheiser helps high-achieving female entrepreneurs over 40 prioritize simple daily habits to increase energy, ditch the scale and make more money! She has found that most women don’t want to track all of their calories or macros! They simply want to be more present in their daily lives and more confident in their businesses. Instead, they pour all of their time and energy into their business and give up on themselves.

She created the “Live your Life” Accountability group coaching program to help female business owners break their habit goals into doable bite-size pieces that fit seamlessly into their busy lives. Providing support without all the trackers for their current season of life.

She is a lover of all things outdoors, animals, baked goods, and Harry Potter. She is a true southern woman who has broken her addiction to sweet tea (her grandmother is likely rolling in her grave), but she will never give up pimento cheese or pecan pie .. and she will NEVER understand “heat without humidity!”